
The BNO Piet Zwart Prize is an honourable award for a designer who is of great significance for the design profession. It can involve all disciplines that are important for the stature and development of the design profession. This year, however, the jury will pay extra attention to submissions by product/industrial designers to aim for a balance in the winners of previous years and the various design disciplines.

BNO Piet Zwart Prize

As a member and/or relation of the BNO you can nominate possible BNO Piet Zwart Prize winners until 21 March 2019. These nominations will not be made public and will be treated confidentially.

Motivated nominations can be sent to: madeleine@bno.nl.

What are the Criteria?

As a designer you meet one or more of the criteria below:

  • There is excellent work in one or more design disciplines: the design has therefore been made at a high quality, professional level for a long time;
  • There is an extraordinary contribution to the meaning and prestige of the discipline;
  • There is an exemplary role in relation to the next generation(s) of designers

Who is on the jury?

The jury for the BNO Piet Zwart Prize 2019 consists of: Timo de Rijk (chairman), Pieke Bergmans, Ed van Hinte, Joost Grootens, Koert van Mensvoort and Gert Franke.

Secretary of the jury is BNO director Madeleine van Lennep.


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