
The world around us is changing rapidly. It is clear that the corona virus is having, and will continue to have, a huge impact on our lives. The creative sector has also taken a significant blow. On the other hand, we are convinced that creativity is even more important to our society in times like these, in order to help develop a new perspective.

As such, we also realise that there will be a need for good positioning within the design field: the power of design is not a luxury that can easily be ‘economised’ away, but is rather an essential creative quality that we now need more than ever. We believe that recognition, a prize focused on the impact of creative ability, can contribute to this positioning.

This is why Dutch Design Awards will go ahead this year. We will adjust the processes and lead times according to the situation. We will also remove any financial barriers for designers.

Call for Entries extended until 25 May 
The call for Entries will remain open until 25 May! We understand that many designers and studios have other priorities right now and we would like to give everyone the opportunity to participate. This is why we have decided to extend the registration period by two months.

No registration fee
These are unusually difficult times for the creative sector and the design field. DDA has therefore decided to waive the registration fee this year. Of course, this also applies to projects that were already registered. In both cases, you will not receive an invoice for participating this year.

Award Night during Dutch Design Week
As it is not possible to organise events (including the committee days) until at least 1 June, the festive Award Night will take place this year during Dutch Design Week, instead of in the summer. We hope to make it a wonderful ceremony in October.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with DDA production manager Romée Beernink.

Met onze nieuwsbrief ben je altijd op de hoogte!