Fifteen per cent of young people are in debt. Long, drawn-out debt-collection processes stand in the way of their development and health, as does the traditional system of fines and accumulating collection costs. Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken and Garage2020, together with the Albeda in Rotterdam, developed MONNIE, an app that helps young people to pay their bills more easily and gradually reduce their arrears. Furthermore, MONNIE makes creditors themselves jointly responsible for the prevention of problematic debts.

Name-change for MONNIE, the app is now called Seev
After introducing a name-change in the video, it is now finally there. With the motto ‘Better Seev than sorry’, Seev is the new name for the app formerly known as MONNIE. After winning a Dutch Design Award last year, the app also underwent a restyle of its visual identity.