About the organisation
Platform for Dutch Design
View the DDA 23 booket
View the DDA 22 booket
Design makes the world smarter, more innovative, more beautiful and humane.
We want to acknowledge and celebrate that impact. For over twenty years, Dutch Design Awards (DDA) has celebrated and awarded the best, most interesting, and most innovative design, providing designers with a platform to showcase their work and facilitating matchmaking.
Both the design field and DDA are constantly evolving. Therefore, in 2024, we have chosen a year of reflection. In this ‘year of connection’, we will focus on the rich history of DDA, highlighting young designers from the past and present. We will collaborate with ten designers who were previously winners or nominees in the Young Designers category.
The reason for DDA to innovate this year is a combination of developments within the design sector, the world, and questions from both designers and ourselves as organisers of the awards. In 2024, we will create space for reflection. We will engage in discussions with the design field, partners, critics, and other relevant parties about DDA.

Dutch Design Awards (DDA) was established in 2003, thanks to BNO and DesignLink, under the banner of the “Dutch Design Awards”. Since 2005, DDA has been based in the design capital of Eindhoven. Through the competition, the Award Show, and an overview exhibition, DDA showcases and rewards the best in Dutch design, bringing winners to the attention of peers, the press, and the general public. DDA is part of the Dutch Design Foundation and is one of the highlights of Dutch Design Week, which exhibits the design of the future and the future of design for a week.
In this ‘year of connection’, we will focus on the rich history of DDA, highlighting young designers from the past and present. We will collaborate with ten designers who were previously winners or nominees in the Young Designers category. We will ask them about their process over the past years, where they are now, how they got there, and how they are shaping the future. Additionally, we will ask each of them to introduce a young designer.
Alongside various forms of online presence, we will present a total of 20 Young Designers, both past and present, in an exhibition during Dutch Design Week 2024.

+31(0)40 296 1150
Visitors address
Dutch Design Foundation
Dutch Design AwardsTorenallee 22-08
5617 BD Eindhoven
The Netherlands -
Postal address
Dutch Design Foundation
Dutch Design AwardsP.O. Box 8043
5601 KA Eindhoven