Het project
More than a hundred thousand children and young people in the Netherlands are confronted with online sexual abuse every year: from sextortion (extortion with sexually explicit images) to grooming (luring children online) or shame sexting (the unwanted distribution of sexually tinted images). Victims struggle with feelings of guilt and shame, and there is a huge threshold when it comes to asking for help. Many conversations with young people made clear that there is a need for the raw, unedited story of online sexual abuse to be told. Morrow took this rawness as the basis for the interactive platform WTFFF!?, made by and for the first generation growing up with social media. The stories can be discovered while scrolling through an intriguing illustration and are told by the young people themselves.

Incredibly clever how Fonds Slachtofferhulp (Victim Support Fund) and Morrow’s WTFFF!? reaches young people and opens up a loaded topic for discussion. As commissioning body, Fonds Slachtofferhulp (Victim Support Fund) remains almost invisible in the background; WTFFF!? is a place for and by young people; in some cases, victims have recorded their stories themselves. This direct, authentic involvement is a powerful sign of the safe environment that has been created here. The fact that this leads to recognition is evident in the enormous numbers of visitors and their lengthy time-on-site. The design and production are of the highest quality at all levels, from sound design to motion graphics. The result is a context and visual language that hit the mark.