Anne de Vries
Work Out with Bernhard

The project
The German fashion designer Bernhard Willhelm asked De Vries to make a story in pictures that could be completely separate from the collection. De Vries suggested showing the collection in fitness-type surroundings, and the idea was immediately accepted by the fashion designer. He developed the ‘fitness apparatus’ with Matthew Lutz Kinoy and Selina Parr and they used items that included baguettes and a garden hose. The painted components were cut out and fitted into the installation with other decorative elements. The art of painting and fitness are linked in a quasi-nonchalant fashion, according to De Vries.

In the illustrations made by photographer Anne de Vries for the German fashion designer Bernhard
Willhelm, photography, illustration and collage techniques come together in a very special manner.
Through their blend of styles, the ten illustrations in the series Work Out neighbourhoods are far removed from the usual fashion photography. They inspire and surprise, says the jury, and that is what all design should do.