Fier Concept & Design
Website Oorlogrust & Vredesgeweld

The project
The graphic and interaction design for the website ‘War rest & Peace violence’. Care of the elderly and memories.

Care of the elderly and memories of war is a complex and sensitive subject. Care of the elderly come into contact with the victims of war on an almost daily basis. There are still as many as 3 million people living in the Netherlands today who experienced the Second World War. Some of them are still living with trauma as a result. These facts, enriched with fragments for the film ‘War Rest’, have inspired strikingly fresh and lucid website. Despite the sad subject, lapses into visual melancholy are avoided. With flowered wallpaper in which symbols of war have been subtly incorporated as a background, which also serves as a video mask. Beautifully executed, both technically and expressively. The design is to the point and yet unlocks a rich and instructive world, complete with information for professionals and a competence test for the nursing staff and care workers involved.