Studio Libertiny

The weldgrown void

The project

This metal hassock shaped something like a mushroom, made of rows of joined spot welds, takes a good week to make. Working with welding solder as if it were clay on a potter’s wheel appeals to designer and maker Tomá˘s Gabzdil Libertiny, because of the aspect of artisanship. This gives the project a greater authenticity than the average massproduced product.


Slovak designer Tomás Gabzdil Libertiny consistently chooses labour-intensive methods of working to emphasise the authenticity and the craft of his designs. The Weldgrown Void is a mushroom-shaped metal pouf consisting of rows of interconnected spot-welds. It takes more than one week to make a pouf.

— Artisanship gives the project a greater authenticity than the average massproduced product.

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