Stay Sane, Stay Safe (SSSS)

The project
Stay Sane, Stay Safe (SSSS) is a corona-related open and positive poster platform whereby everyone can upload, download, print and share posters. Now with more than 2200 posters by designers from 87 different countries, it has become a melting pot of creative energy that was released after the sudden shutdown of the cultural sector and so many cancelled events and projects. An outlet for designers and everyone who could use a little support. As such, 27 hospitals in the Netherlands have received printed posters and there have been various exhibitions, with one of the highlights being an exhibition in the wing for applied art and design in the Louvre and possible inclusion in their collection.

Expert panel
As soon as the corona crisis inched its toes over the threshold, this initiative was almost instantly up and running. Studio Lennarts & De Bruijn and overdeschreef successfully anticipated what was to come with an abundance of energy, enthusiasm and impressively high quality. Compliments for the diversity and aesthetic quality delivered by the makers and the website. With simplicity, power and humour, Stay Sane, Stay Safe has been able to create an international and unifying snowball effect. An impactful project that shows how valuable the reactive role of designers can be on the zeitgeist.