Reframing Studio
Redesigning Psychiatry

The project
Redesigning Psychiatry is an innovation network in which designers, philosophers, healthcare experts and experts in the field join together to develop a desirable future scenario for mental healthcare and a resilient society in 2030. Alongside the scientific and philosophic substantiation of a new mental healthcare concept, the designers visualise what healthcare and support could look like from another paradigm. New forms of support, new surroundings, a new language, new technology and new connections with other sectors; Redesigning Psychiatry focuses on the design of new components, but also on the redesign of the system as a whole.

This is an exemplary project that is all about driving change in a stigmatised sector. As well as careful and well-executed research and a translation to different levels, design works here as a catalyst to get various parties on board. The committee believes that the aesthetic quality lags somewhat behind the substantive ambition and comprehensive quality of the research, but this is possibly a conscious decision, so as to reach a variety of target groups.