Iris van Wees

The project
Iris van Wees presents digital fashion as a creative and commercial alternative to the current fashion system. The interaction between virtual and physical is central in her work. In the specially developed Iris-van-Wees app, the user finds digitally designed looks, an outfit to experience in 3D and physical shirts and jumpers can be activated so that they move with the wearer in a digital environment like social media. She thereby continues to build upon the now familiar face filters and uses augmented reality to connect with the physical world. She thus creates a new kind of fashion experience that is accessible to a wide audience.

As 3D virtual designer, Iris van Wees is at the forefront of the digital transformation of the fashion industry in the Netherlands. Her method interacts with fashion, refers to well-known frames and filters from the digital world and shows enormous potential. The DIY-feel speaks to the imagination and stimulates thinking about which other applications could be possible. It is energetic and practical, it is glitch, it is street, it is binary and it has a retro feel, wherein lies the power of Iris van Wees: it cannot be categorised and so fits in perfectly with the spirit of the times.