Amber Jae Slooten

Amber Jae Slooten is a fashion designer and works with the body, animation and digital fashion design. Her work questions the way in which we will fit, purchase and wear clothing in the future. She plays with the way in which our digital identity can take shape in VR, AR and MR. Using algorithms, she researches the image and trend analyses of other labels and then creates new (virtual) worlds showing the results. Furthermore, she works together with fashion labels, 3D models, animators, editors and sound designers. Slooten graduated from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute in 2016 and is a co-founder and creative director of The Fabricant, a digital fashion house that uses visual effects from the film industry to shape a new future image of identity.

Slooten moves in a world where few other designers can be found. She integrates fashion with the technology of animation and combines the real with the virtual, and then uses this to create something completely new. The way in which Slooten handles technology is praiseworthy; she uses the generated data as design material, not as a resource. This creates an exciting digital dimension within the material discipline of fashion design. It touches on relevant themes about our digital identity, but her work primarily provides a look into the future of technology and a new aesthetic produced by this. A discipline that Slooten already more than understands and commands.