
With an anthropological view of the world, fashion label Ninamounah brings to light social structures, evolution and the functions of organisms. Ninamounah considers the essence of humans: “We are all animals wearing a dress of culture.” In the current fast-fashion industry, Ninamounah choses to focus on timeless creations in which seasons do not exist and craftsmanship is safeguarded. With a consciousness of her own ecological footprint, Ninamounah uses sustainable, local production processes, and materials and shapes are sourced from used clothing or old sofas, so that no two items are the same.

Ninamounah is a multifaceted designer of our time. A designer with vision who works on a multidisciplinary level and uses fashion as a vehicle for social criticism. She succeeds in incorporating relevant themes in her work, such as gender fluidity, identity and cultural historical views in the current fashion landscape. This creates a complete picture. She mixes historical references with deadstock and wearable, ‘edgy’ pieces. Beautiful styling and photography with humour and a good sense of performativity. It is raw and refined. The committee is curious to see what her future development will produce.