Aldo Bakker
Porcelain Tableware

The project
Designer and culinary creator Aldo Bakker used actions such as pouring and sprinkling as the starting point for discovering equally pure forms, subordinating the meaning or recognizability of an object to his experimental quest. The wonderful thing is that when users pick up these table objects now, they quickly understand them intuitively. The greatest merit of this tableware is simply that it has found its highly individual and indeed beautiful form in an authentic manner.

Aldo Bakker used his feeling in the design of tableware. He made the significance and recognisability of the objects subordinate to an experimental search. He approached form without any preconceptions. At first sight, therefore, it is unclear what the tableware is for. Yet the function becomes self-evident when you hold an object in your hands. A new language of form in a field where everything has been done and shown many times over.