DWARS Ontwerp
Pipe Bottles

The project
jointhepip.org is a community of tap water drinkers with a dream. To build the longest pipeline in the world, long enough to bring drink water to everyone without it. For this project DWARS ontwerp designed a series of five connectable, plastic water bottles and five porcelain carafes. These items shaped like linked pieces of water pipes make Western consumers in restaurants aware of the fact that large parts of the world are deprives of fresh drinking water. With the sale of these bottles to restaurants, offices, institutes and individuals, the initiators are financing sanitary facilities and water pipes in Third World countries.

A series of five connectable, easy-to-wash plastic water bottles and five porcelain carafes. These items shaped like linked pieces of water pipes make Western consumers in restaurants are of the fact that large parts of the world are deprives of fresh drinking water. But there’s more. With the sale of these bottles to restaurants, offices, institutes and individuals, the initiators are financing sanitary facilities and water pipes in Third World countries.