Democratisch Zelfbestuur Rojava & Jonas Staal/New World Summit
People’s Parliament of Rojava

The project
The People’s Parliament of Rojava was commissioned by the autonomous government of Rojava (Northern Syria) and offers a permanent public parliament for this stateless Kurdish region. Despite the fact that the area is suffering under continuous attacks from Islamic State, the autonomous government has managed to develop a new democratic model, in which local self-government, gender equality and cultural diversity are centre-stage. Six constructivist metal arches are visible around the circle-shaped agora, with key words from the constitution in four languages.
To the committee, the People’s Parliament of Rojava shows the potential added value of broad artistic partnership in the by Jonas Staal founded organisation “New World Summit”. Staal’s New World Summit, with architect Paul Kuipers and designer Remco van Bladel among others, operated in close relation to autonomous government of Rojava and opened doors that often stay closed for an NGO. With this project they support a special democratic process in a problematic region. By making smart use of form and symbolism, he breaks through a political system and provides a large group of people with a place where they can convene openly and speak freely.