Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Eindhoven

The project

Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Eindhoven is a contemporary music building with an international allure. An acoustic prime location which is a big attraction for world famous orchestras and soloists. Every year more than 160,000 music lovers their way to this particular building in the heart of Eindhoven. (


Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is a good example of intensive collaboration between bureau and client during a long-lasting and extensive process.


The client was as a conductor and gave the designers the opportunity to show in a total concept as in an orchestra in which the perception of the beholder/music lover always in visor and has remained at the service of this experience design. All this in a short time frame, with proper monitoring of budgets and involving sponsors and other actors in process. To process is a spacious scrutiny also to create support for this great movement where design is an important component.

— Very inspiring different design disciplines are involved with experience of commissioning.

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