MOJO X Hansje van Halem X Fabrique
Lowlands Artwork & Website 2019

The project
A colourful mixture of creatives was involved in the development of the Lowlands artwork and translating it to the new website. From chief designer to animators, from software programmers to interactive designers. Offline and online. Once again in 2019, organiser MOJO remains visually loyal to the concept by Hansje van Halem. This concept is developed further each year and per edition. Fabrique translated Van Halem’s rhythmic and hypnotic graphic lines online and thereby simultaneously took new steps in interaction and technology, with the objective of ensuring that the real Lowlands feeling jumps out of the screen as it should.

At the beginning of the collaboration with Hansje van Halem in 2016/2017, custom design software was developed that has made a complex and unique design system manageable. The Dutch Design Awards jury has previously praised Lowlands for daring to go along with an untested design approach on a relatively large scale. This has been elevated to an (even) higher level this year. Daring to make radical choices, working with outspoken specialists who always deliver consistent quality and a collaboration with Fabrique that has been going for twenty years. From all this comes good and mature commissioning. And this is visible in the result: the website is contrary and user-friendly at the same time. Here we see usability merging with design and thus bringing ‘the Lowlands brand’ to life online in its own characteristic way.