Civic Architects X Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau X InsideOutside/ Petra Blaisse X Mecanoo

The project
The LocHal is the new beating heart of Spoorzone Tilburg. The former locomotive workshop has been transformed into a public city hall. The existing construction and the new, added architecture together shape the backdrop for an innovative library concept with work and meeting rooms for Seats2Meet, a city kitchen, two art installations and a city hall for events, exhibitions and debates. A new living room for the city where people meet up and where knowledge is gained and generated.
Client: Municipality of Tilburg
Interior: Mecanoo
Production/Development Textiles: Textile Lab

Transforming industrial heritage and giving it a new meaning is a delicate task. With LocHal, the clients and designers involved have successfully integrated respect for the existing building with a completely new programme. The well-considered mixture of – sometimes contrasting – untouched artefacts from the old building and new additions and spatiality is impressive. Traditional details, new sightlines and the use of textile architecture, for example, contribute to a surprising and peasant space and ambience. The result is functional, as well as imposing and inviting. Alongside the physical result, the underlying multidisciplinary collaboration has also contributed to the nomination decision. After all, the LocHal provides an inviting perspective to other similar buildings and locations in our country.