Firma Rieks Swarte
L’enfant et les sortileges
The project
For the concertante performance of this opera by the Limburg Symphony Orchestra and the Southern Theatre Choir, Firma Rieks Swarte made a puppet show displayed on a large screen above the orchestra. The production is full of amusing effects and the childlike drawing style fits in well with the opera. The puppet show seems to blend effortlessly with the music. Even the emotions of the singers are plausibly conveyed by the puppets.

Firma Rieks Swarte renders the children’s opera by Maurice Ravel in a unique way. A funny decor has been drawn on a strip of paper measuring fifteen meters by forty centimetres. The puppets play out the piece in front of the strip of paper. A third person films the play; the images are directly projected. The puppet play blends seamlessly with the music.