Lely Sphere

The project
Lely Sphere is an innovative system for dairy farmers that helps reduce nitrogen emissions by converting excess nitrogen into fertilizer substitutes. It creates three separate, valuable fertilizer streams. The source-based separation of manure and urine is the first step in limiting emissions (less ammonia). The barn cleaning robot sucks up the solid manure and removes it. Manure gases are extracted by the Lely N-Capture, and ammonia is converted into circular fertilizer using acid. This is a better way of completing mineral cycles, it reduces nitrogen emissions and creates a healthier environment in the barn. FLEX/design worked together with Lely engineers to design the Lely Sphere N-Capture: a housing made of recycled HDPE plastic that is entirely rotationally moulded, so that the electrical components and controls are also fully integrated.

Expert panel
Nitrogen emissions pollute the air and have an influence on a variety of sectors and habitats. The Lely Sphere addresses one of the most important factors for nitrogen production, whereby the bioindustry is also looking for solutions from the inside out. A known solution – the separation of waste products – is clearly presented here. FLEX/design has designed a recognisable unit with which farmers can communicate loudly and clearly that they are also problem solvers. The rather chunky form perfectly suits the aesthetics of the barn. A truly Dutch answer to a persistent social problem, that encourages more nuanced thinking on this subject.