Koninklijke Mosa

The project
Koninklijke Mosa is a global player in the field of ceramic surfaces: the company located in Maastricht designs and manufactures floor and wall tiles, incorporating sustainability, design and innovation in their vision. Since 2015 Koninklijke Mosa has been expanding its international position through focusing on three main themes: service design (improving the work process for the customer), brand design (emphasizing a unique visual identity) and communication design (actualising and enriching the collection). Design agency Zuiderlicht is engaged by Koninklijke Mosa for all these strategic design components on a structural basis. Since seeking an agency to visualise the company strategy seventeen years ago, Koninklijke Mosa has seen the relationship with Zuiderlicht blossom to become a close-knit and successful collaboration.

The committee considers Koninklijke Mosa interesting because design takes a central role in the company, with both an in-house design team, and a long-term relationship with the design agency Zuiderlicht. The intensive collaboration has resulted in Zuiderlicht regularly joining the table for internal change processes, so that their role extends well beyond that of purely a supplier. This is how design ensures added value. The client has a clear vision and solid basis. This could be described as a textbook example where product design, communication and strategy are in perfect harmony.