Christian Borstlap
Kinderpostzegels 2009

The project
In the year 2009 it was designer Christian Borstlap’s turn to design the Children’s Stamps for TNT Post. Borstlap demonstrates that learning does not necessarily have tot take place at school or come from books. It’s something you do together. Children schould be open for surprises, be encouraged to look at situations from a different angle and not be afraid to make mistakes. The clever thing about the figures on the stamps is that they manage to engage sympathy, although they consist of no more than a thick line. Sometimes the designer takes the abstraction in his postage stamps so far that the meaning of an image only becomes clear when you read the caption on the sheet of stamps.

Designer Christian Borstlap has depicted the serious theme of ‘Let children learn’ of the Children’s Stamp Action 2009 in a funny way. His series of six stamps and the accompanying booklet tell an important story without ever becoming pedantic. Sometimes, the designer’s urge for abstraction is so strong that the meaning of an image becomes clear only after viewing the video, which Borstlap also made for the Children’s Stamp Action, on Youtube.