Jeroen Schipper
Installatie Area 14

The project
The installation for the archaeological site in Houten draws the attention to the treasures hidden in the soil by means of a large ‘billboard’. Due to the 6500 specially developed three-dimensional pixels on the billboard, viewers see two different images as they pass by. Text flows over into image, revealing the vague life-sized shape of the old Roman dwelling.
How can one make subterranean heritage tangible? By doing what Schippers did. An enigmatic statement on a light construction in the distance arouses people’s curiosity. Coming closer, they will find that it is possible to climb on to the construction via a staircase and find out the story of the excavations. From the platform on top of the stairs, visitors get an idea of the landscape and the buried as well as imagined treasures. Simple, intriguing, cleverly thought-out, and finely executed.