Christien Meindertsma
Het Verzameld Breiwerk van Loes Veenstra uit de 2e Carnissestraat

The project
Since 1955, Loes Veenstra from Rotterdam has knit five hundred jumpers. Museum Rotterdam discovered this collection of never worn pullovers. Christien Meindertsma then compiled a book about them and made a cheerful flash mob in the district where Loes Veenstra lives.

This project is a good translation of a special story into a carefully designed book. Moreover, the flash mob puts a smile on your face. Once again, Meindertsma succeeds in presenting a project in a surprising context. The committee greatly appreciates the cooperation within the project and its impact in the neighbourhood.
With this project brings Meindertsma according the jury a tribute to ‘ordinary people’. Sympathetic, and at the same time a nice way to present the collection. Thanks to the unexpected flashmob with local residents, design ensures that people come together, with a positive effect on the quality of life. A small but interesting story thus becomes creative and innovative unlocked.