Het Caland Lyceum

The project
The special attendance for sports in this school gives it a chance to distinguish itself from other schools, and therefore an own identity. The school is proud of well-known Dutch sportsmen- and women who were taught here. This is apparent from the large pictures made of these sportsmen, displayed in the entrance hall. i29 has translated this distinguishing mark into the interior design. Tables, benches, and display signs are finished in bright yellow, red, blue colored polyester and associated with sports teams moving over their sports field.

Proof that smaller objects can be just as effective is provided by i29 with their series of furniture for the Caland Lyceum in Amsterdam. A steel support, rounded corners, and polyester surfaces are the ingredients throughout, but the separate elements all have their own striped pattern that brings sports shirts and shoes, and even flags, to mind. Given the importance of sports in the school’s curriculum and a large number of foreign students who study there, this is particularly appropriate. The overall effect is fresh and contemporary and makes a good match with the world of its users.
A design whose strength is derived from the clear choice of the designers. The powerful and transparent way in which the concept has been executed creates a personality that connects with the target group. The entry is thereby a good example of how, with a limited budget, a good design can create significant added value.