Studio Parade
Het Brabant Huis

The project
In 2008 the Province of Noord-Brabant made its first appearance at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. The province was keen to portray itself as a transparent organization that meets big challenges with innovative projects.The starting point for the design was the metaphor of the house, as a symbol of unity and accessibility. It was made in the form of a snail’s shell with six rooms and a large shared table in the middle to welcome people. It was built of picture postcards.

In 2008, the Province of North-Brabant introduced itself at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven by means of a spiral snail’s shell of postcards. The walls consisted of over fifteen thousand picture postcards attached to one another with little plastic crosses. They functioned as info board and projection screen. The design symbolises the simplicity and level-headedness of Brabant.