Haute couture collectie najaar 2013

The project
During the first couture show by Viktor Rolf & in thirteen years, the models wore flat sandals and high-necked, often loose-fitting dresses with asymmetrical bulges. With models in portrait and landscape poses, the designers created a living Zen Garden.

With this serene performance, Viktor&Rolf are taking leave of the spectacle. Implemented in detail, the Zen theme denounces the grossly inflated fashion world. It urges us to reflect on the speed that society expects of us, individuals. Although the performance is a statement to society, it is personal and subdued. The way in which the props transform into garments is unique and requires high professional standards.
For the first time in years a new collection: also the jury had a glamorous comeback in mind, but was pleasantly surprised by the Zen theme. The refined presentation made a great impression; although slightly theatrical, it is experienced as a performance. Strongly narrative, subtle and down to the details of high quality.