Globalance World – Google Earth for investors

The project
The Swiss private Globalance Bank asked CLEVER°FRANKE to design and develop a unique digital platform that demonstrates the global impact of investments; a ‘Google Earth for Investors’. Globalance World depicts in an accessible way how investments can have a positive influence on the flow of money. The challenge was to make complex and abstract financial information tangible. Globalance World analysed and visualised data relating to climate impact, footprint, future-focused trends and financial return, thus enabling people to make sustainable investment decisions. It is an open platform: everyone can dive in and estimate in real time how sustainable and future-proof certain investments are, and compare portfolios.

Expert panel
CLEVER°FRANKE has delivered a cast-iron design and execution with Globalance World. A platform that provides perspective to complex financial information that is normally very difficult to oversee. Globalance World thereby gets right to the heart of many current issues; it demonstrates how investments can also positively influence our world. The fact that you do not have to be a customer to gain access to the information also makes it an educational research tool and encourages more nuanced thinking in terms of financial choices. Swiss banks are not particularly well-known for their transparency; with this project, Globalance World proves that the opposite is possible.