Irma Boom
Every Thing Design

The project
The book Every Thing Design. Die Sammlungen des Museum für Gestaltung Zürich has become a typical Irma Boom book: thick and with a great deal of attention paid to the sequence of the images. It shows around 700 objects from the museum’s four sub-collections. According to Boom, the wealth of the museum lies not so much in the quality of the individual objects, but in their quantity. The title of the book also expresses this opinion: Every Thing Design, everything produced by man was once designed. By illustrating so many and by placing objects which actually have nothing in common next to each other, the collections gain something extra. Each spread in the book illustrates a pair of images, chosen by Boom. She paid attention here to the similarities in design aspects such as language of form, colours, materials or the creative process.
According to Irma Boon, the collection of the Museum für Gestaltung Zϋrich is not unique in quality but in quantity. The initial commission for 180 pages therefore resulted in a hefty volume of 800 pages. Through the creation of unexpected pairs of images, the book has become a lively presentation of the four subcollections of the museum.