Christien Meindertsma
Christien Meindertsma

The project
Christien graduated in 2003. Her first book is called Checked Baggage. She started with FLOCKS, a project investigating the origin of products. Part of the project is the book PIG 05049, this year nominated for the best graphic design, and a pullover made of the wool of one sheep, accompanied by the sheep’s passport. She was very successful with Urchin, a hand-knitted pouf.
Christien Meindertsma shows vision and guts; her project PIG 05049 in particular is an unequivocal statement. With this project, she triggers in a confrontational as well as ludic way the discussion about material use in a very broad sense of the word. The jury assessed PIG 05049 as a very coherent project that encourages awareness, thought, and discussion among young and old. While the design is at times surprising, the jury is of the opinion that in terms of design elaboration, Christien has not yet managed to exploit all possibilities. Through this nomination, the jury would like to give Christien the chance to further and disseminate her vision.