Casalis Architextiles | Aleksandra Gaca
Casalis Architextiles | Aleksandra Gaca

The project
This series of sound-absorbing textile with a 3D-woven structure contributes to a more damped atmosphere. The 3D textiles for wall decoration is a derivative of the study done by material designer Aleksandra Gaca, commissioned by the Audax Textile Museum located in Tilburg. Through experiments with thread bindings and special materials these innovative 3D fabric structures arose. The fabric combines two features: noise reduction and decoration. Through the wavy surface, a play of light and shadow is created. The conceptual approach of sculptural structures lie on the intersection of art, design and spatial design. This makes the collection functionally widely applicable: high-end retail interiors through project design to the more large-scale architecture.

n the design, function, beauty and technology come together and craftsmanship is central. The design challenges us to think differently about the added value of textiles in contemporary interiors.
Aleksandra Gaca shows a completely new way of applying textiles; in the current zeitgeist this innovation is very interesting. Gaca skilfully combines the synthetic and natural fabrics, which is a major technical challenge. Poetic design, with endless possibilities.