Het project
Using clear language and many visual examples, CAPS LOCK shows how capitalism and graphic design are inextricably linked. Author and designer Ruben Pater uses practical examples and various design roles that unravel the link between market forces and design. CAPS LOCK argues that capitalism would not exist without, for example, the bank notes, documents, interfaces, branding and advertising that we use on a daily basis; all (partly) brought to life by graphic designers. The result, according to Pater, is that design is enclosed within a system of exploitation and profit, a cycle that further fuels inequality and the depletion of human and natural resources. The book presents contrasts to this, with six radical design initiatives.

CAPS LOCK is the life’s work of a designer who is obsessed with his line of work and whose mission is to unravel that same field. In doing so, he holds up a mirror to both him and his colleagues. With CAPS LOCK, Ruben Pater has instantly created a standard piece; compulsory reading for all (graphic) design students, but just as much for experienced designers and professionals. In the paperback published by Valiz, Pater clearly and thoroughly deals with the stranglehold in which capitalism confines the design world. His critical view and the layered character of his research remain legible thanks to the inviting design, which makes it relevant for many other sectors.