Rene Put
Braille postzegels

The project
TNT post commemorated in 2009 the development of the script for blind people by Louis Braille, This,was done with a sheet of special postage stamps, designed by René Put. Graphic designer Put has combined Latin script with Braille on the 12 postage stamps. On each stamp there are three words containing two letters executed in Braille. For the sighted user, it is a puzzle to work out what the word is. Put deliberately chose words which have meaning for both visually impaired people and people with normal sight.

To mark the 200th birthday of Louis Braille, the inventor of a reading and writing system for blind and visually impaired people, TNT Post issued a series of special stamps. An exciting word game with both printed letters and Braille characters that can be read by sighted and blind people. The minimalist use of colour and the tactile Braille dots introduce the sighted to the world of the blind.