Liselore Frowijn
Apocalypse Me Now S/S 2016

The project
In the run-up to this collection, Liselore Frowijn was touched by Sol LeWitt’s paintings. This led to the development of new textiles; by opting for a collage-type approach, the home-made textiles are combinations of silk print, knits and embroidered fabrics with graphic prints. Centre stage are fresh, primary colours with white and brown tones to create layer upon layer. Inspired by power and the meaning of this, she played with voluminous and close-fitting silhouettes. The result is a ladies’ collection that is reminiscent of a painting that has come to life.
Designer Liselore Frowijn is continuously working on improving herself in every aspect of her profession. Despite her young age, she has developed a clear, individual style and a mature portfolio. Apocalypse Me Now demonstrates that her label has experienced a rapid growth spurt. For this collection, she explored the boundaries of form and colour, and worked with models from varying origins. Promising fashion talent Frowijn more than lives up to the high expectations with this collection.