Inside Outside
Agora 2014 Espace Public

The project
This design for the exhibition Espace Public was on show during the Agora architecture biennale 2014 in Bordeaux. It positions the organised western world opposite the unpredictable non-western city. The exhibition hall, a large old transport depot on the Gironde with two floors, creates a clear separation between the formal and informal city. The ground floor symbolises the formal city, the first floor celebrates (with movie showings, lectures and catering) the informal city. A shining white curtain 247 metres in length and 4 metres high separates the intimate and public space.

With this exhibition, Agora creates a new aesthetic for biennales, in a style that is strong in its simplicity. With limited means (often recycled, affordable and accessible materials) and in a tight time frame a presentation with impact was achieved. Its pragmatic design feels very Dutch.