This page will be updated according to new developments.


Why a year of reflection?

  • For over twenty years, Dutch Design Awards (DDA) has celebrated and praised the best, most interesting and most innovative designs, offering designers a platform to exhibit their work and encourage matchmaking.

    In recent years the question has often been asked, both from the design field and ourselves: who is DDA for? Who do we reach and, above all, who have we not (yet) reached? What is the value of an award and what are we praising? How can we maximise the enormous value of our design community and the people we work with? 

    Both the design field and DDA are constantly evolving. That is why we are using 2024 as a year of reflection.

What does 2024 look like for DDA?

  • In this 'year of connection', we are delving into the rich history of DDA, focusing on young designers of the past and present.

    This means working with ten former winners or nominees in the Young Designers category. Interviews with these designers provide insight into their processes in recent years, where they are now, how they got here and how they are shaping the future. We also ask each of them to introduce one new young, talented designer. 

    Alongside an online presence in various forms, we will present a total of twenty Young Designers from the past and present in an exhibition during Dutch Design Week 2024.

Which designers will DDA be working with in 2024?

  • We are in the process of putting together two groups of Young Designers. As soon as the names have been finalised, we will introduce them on DDA’s website and social media channels. 

Can I apply or participate?

  • There is no open registration and no scouting by our professional juries in 2024.

    This year, the focus is on Young Designers from the past and present. We have asked ten former nominees and winners from the Young Design category to nominate one new young designer, who in their eyes makes relevant, interesting and/or impressive work. 

Is there another exhibition during DDW?

  • Yes, Dutch Design Awards will organise an exhibition as usual during DDW24.

    In this expo, we will present the 10+10 Young Designers based on five substantive topics. As in previous years, this exhibition will be open to visitors in Microlab at Strijp-S. 

How do I stay up to date?

2025 >

Why are we reflecting on the Dutch Design Awards?

  • The reason is a combination of developments within both the design field and in the world, and questions from both designers and ourselves as organisers of the awards.

    In 2024, we are therefore taking time for reflection. We will talk about DDA with those in the design field, partners, critics and other involved parties. Based on our findings, we will develop an appropriate form for DDA that best represents (the developments in) the design field. Collaborating with people from different target groups and backgrounds, we will work towards developing a new strategy for DDA. 

So how will this (re)design take shape?

  • Together with the design field, our partners and our network, we will organise focus group discussions on various themes, such as ‘the value of an award', who is DDA for, what form fits best, what exactly we are awarding and how will the awards take shape?

    We will also take a good look around, both within our sector and further afield, with the aim of learning and positioning DDA in the best possible way. All the insights we gain will be brought together in a new strategy and concept for DDA that we can present for the future with conviction. 

Who is involved?

  • As many interviews as possible will take place with (former) jury members, former participants and partners and critical voices within and outside our network. 


When will the new format be ready?

  • We will present the future of Dutch Design Awards and the interpretation of the awards this autumn. Follow the process on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn


Who will DDA be for from 2025 onwards?

  • This is one of the main questions at the heart of this reflection and development process.

    DDA is committed to showcasing the best work in the design field, providing a platform for designers and driving the conversation about (the power of) design. We want to provide a relevant platform, where designers are recognised and new opportunities arise for them through participation.

Met onze nieuwsbrief ben je altijd op de hoogte!