Manon van Hoeckel
In Limbo Embassy

The project
A mobile embassy for asylum seekers ‘in limbo’ who have exhausted all legal procedures: those who fall between two stools. The neutral meeting place creates an opportunity for citizens and asylum seekers, for debate and cultural exchange. In addition, the embassy offers asylum seekers the opportunity of working under the freedom of press and expression. This offers an alternative for existing news reports and a currently often invisible group is given a face and a voice.

This project by the freshly graduated Manon van Hoeckel is an initial impetus for a dialogue over the expulsion of asylum seekers. The photography by Alexander Popelier weaves seamlessly into this topic. He takes dignified portraits of asylum seekers, through which they almost appear to be kings. An empathic project that creates awareness about socially relevant issues – campaigning in the year 2015.